Sunday, February 1, 2015
Carats and Cake Feature Carey and Renaud!!
This wedding at Durham Ranch was so much fun!! Carey, Renaud and Carey's mom were such a delight to work with. Every one of them with a sly sense of humor and a love of laughter. Carey and her mom crafted the table assignment card board themselves. The Spazmatics band was a hoot, scrambling around those hay bales and a treat to work with. Instead of cake they chose Laurie Lucov to make absolutely scrumptious pies, tarts and cookies. Elaine Bell's food was so very delicious. Polly of Valley Flora's florals and decor exuberant, colorful and whimsical. A love fest with the fabulous bride, groom, family and guests!!
Click on the link to view more of their photos!